Auxiliary Percussion Notation Issue

• Jan 3, 2023 - 23:15

I'm looking to have a single part in a score notate two auxiliary instruments (bass drum & tam-tam) at the same time, but can't figure out how. The part also didn't start out on these instruments, so right now I tried to use "change instrument" from the Text Pallet on two voices at the same time. I couldn't find any help in the handbook, so I'd appreciate some from y'all. There's probably a workaround involving a drumset but that sounds like such a long process.

I feel like with MuseScore 4's new instrument tab system this should be easy, kind of feel like Percussion took a backseat on this update besides the fixed rhythm flag-lengths and new soundfonts. Hoping the MDL plugin gets an easier workaround than Sforzando.

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