Search features on the website.

• Jan 7, 2023 - 03:18

As a casual user who occasionally uses MuseScore to find and play songs that I can download to my PC, I think that the websites search function would have a great quality of life improvement if the ability to search for music by subgenre in the search filters.

Currently there is no way to browse more specific genres of scores, I feel like adding a subgenre filter, similar to that used by Ultimate Guitar, would make MuseScore more appealing to use as a means of finding new scores to potentially learn, listen to and study.

I am personally a fan of Math Rock and Midwest Emo, and unless I already know what specific score I want to learn or read the sheet music of the only way I can find new songs to learn efficiently is to use Ultimate Guitar's search function.

Although it is possible to use another app like Spotify to discover new music that is similar to songs I already know, the process of finding those songs on my phone and then manually searching for them here is tedious, as the scores I am looking for are rarely in the MuseScore website.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for the huge quality of life improvements made in MuseScore 4.

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