Exporting PDFs with a period in the file name (MuseScore 4)

• Jan 11, 2023 - 02:21

For PDFs that I've made of parts in previous versions of MuseScore, I have use a file naming convention of chart number, chart name, and instrument with a period after the number (ex. "123. Chart Name-Tenor Saxophone." However, when I try to use this convention in MuseScore 4 and am exporting multiple parts at once, I've found that the period and chart names get removed when I export. So saying I want to export a Tenor Sax and Guitar part, if I type in "123. Chart Name" the exported files are called "123-Tenor Saxophone.pdf" and "123-Guitar.pdf."

The problem appears to be the period after the number, as the file names for fine when I omit the period. Note this bug only occurs when exporting multiple parts at once.

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