Need help with corrupt Musescore 4 file

• Jan 14, 2023 - 02:34

Today i was working on piece i was really happy about, when Musescore crashed (i unplugged my headphones before closing). It says the file is corrupted. I would be happy with just being able to see the few bars i wrote.

Attachment Size
liebman.mscz 30.55 KB


Your file does only contain a style sheet, no partiture file. Damaged beyond repair!
Open liebman.mscz using a zip program and you can see it by yourself.
So, nobody can repair your file. Try to find a backup file on your computer.

In reply to by franbiancu9

Musescore files is a zipped directory with differnt files in it. To open: right click on the *.mscz file and choose 7-zip -> open. Or rename it to *.zip instead of *.mscz. Then you can see the content. Compare this with an uncorrupted Musescore file to see the difference.

Your file is empty exept a style sheet file. There is nothing containing any notes or bars. Sorry, but I need to say it again: This file is damaged beyond repair!

In reply to by franbiancu9

In Musescore 3.6.2 there is a folder called .mscbackup (with a dot at the beginning). There may be a backup with the name ".xxxx.mscz," (with a dot at the beginning and comma at the end of the extension).
In some operating systems this file and the folder is hidden because of the dot at the beginning.

You may have success if you search your score directory for ".liebman.mscz,".

I do not recommend using version 4.0 for serious production at the moment. As you can see, there are a lot of questions in this forum regarding corrupted files and crashes.
You can use MS 3.6.2 in parallel and later open these files in MS 4.0 if you like to have the better instrument sounds.

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