Specific spacing problem with two voices

• Jan 14, 2023 - 20:27

Hello Musescore enthusiasts,

I was typing a score recently when I encountered a bit of a strange formatting in Musescore 4.0.1 (haven't tried older versions): I have a setting with two voices in one measure, one holds a dotted whole note and the other one two quarters followed by a whole; the latter three should be connected by a slur.

Now, here is what I got: musescore_2.png

It's kinda hard to read for multiple reasons:
- the two notes connected to a stem are misleading (as the whole has none and for the quarter it seems to be at the wrong side)
- the dot of the whole note is not really visible since the quarter notes overlap it. I know I can move it up manually, it does help a bit but it's still hard to read.
- the slur seems to be connecting to the whole in the first voice, not the three notes in the second voice.

In contrast, here is what I would have liked to see: musescore_1.png

I know this extra spacing may contradict some of the spacing rules set for Musescore. But still, for this example, that one would be easier to read than the first.

Interestingly, if I flip the stems on the dotted whole, I get this: musescore_3.png
That was surprising to me as it doesn't even have a stem! It's almost a solution (just very counter-intuitive). For aesthetic reasons I'd still prefer having the dotted whole in front. I can't fully explain why but I think it's the slur that is just more clear in the other picture I shared. Not sure if that's possible.

Any thoughts anyone?


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