Forum's Insert image option broken? (MacOS Ventura 13.1 / Safari 16.2)

• Jan 15, 2023 - 16:07

I've twice noticed after Choosing/Importing a png that the Insert button is automatically checked, but also nonfunctional.

Previously the Insert button was unchecked after import, and worked to place the image inline when checked. The image does attach to the post, but simply won't Insert inline.

This occurred once yesterday and once today.

MacOS Ventura 13.1 / Safari 16.2


In reply to by Shoichi

I just installed Firefox 109.0 to test if this is a Safari-only issue. But I encountered the same issue when loading an image into a post:

     Insert is pre-checked, and there's no way to add an image inline.

Maybe it's an issue with the forum and MacOS Ventura 13.1


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