Please remember export settings

• Jan 15, 2023 - 16:54

I always want to export score & all parts, in one document. So if I do that once I would like it to be remembered. Just guessing but is, "repeat last action" not always a better guess than "go with the default"?


I suppose an option to "repeat last action" would be useful. I get it.

OTOH, I'm not sure that I want MuseScore to guess about anything. I need it to do what I need at the moment. I don't mind telling it what that is.

In reply to by Victotronics

I don't know. But I understand what you are saying, really. If I had to guess, I would say it probably won't change. Personally I find it irritating that PDF is the first choice. I have to wade through menus to get to what I want. Also, the program remembers where I got a score from, and wants to save it there. I often get scores from different folders and save them to yet a different place. We all use MuseScore differently. I think that is the answer. Can't please everyone all the time.

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