Need Help Getting a Previous Version of Score

• Jan 16, 2023 - 20:41


I'm making tweaks to a piece of which I have two files for: one is for playback and the other is for realistic part and score markings. The latter had an empty measure placed about halfway through that I didn't notice until today, but has led to every slur to be deleted from that measure on. Additionally, all remaining hairpins are now one measure early, as some closer to the end have been deleted entirely.

Is there a way I can find a version history of the score? I've tried accessing the msbackup file from 2 days ago but it has the same issue.


This is only conjecture... I looked in my .msbackup SUBDIR, and see numerous - likely copies - of compositions recent then going back in time. They are all unique filenames. I don't see anything like:
and so on, which would imply a HISTORY of revisions to a particular composition. Thus, I don't think (speculation) that MuseScore implements a historical revision to the subdir we're talking about.

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