Customized Plugins (MuseScore 4)

• Jan 18, 2023 - 12:40

Hello all,

In MuseScore 3, I edited and installed some custom plugins. It used to be as easy as dropping the .qml file into the Plugins folder on the File Explorer, going to MuseScore 3 and checkmarking it for activation, and then all was ready to go!

Does anyone have instructions for how to install custom plugins with .qml files with MuseScore 4? I have tried the same steps with putting the .qml file into the plugins folder but can't seem to figure out how to get the plugin to activate when in MuseScore 4.

Thank you!


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

My mistake! Yes, I meant .qml files. That's what I have in my plugins folder on the file explorer.

I just am not quite sure where to go in MuseScore from there. I think I might try another .qml file and see if that works. Maybe it is just the one I currently have in there.

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