Volta text not printing to pdf

• Jan 18, 2023 - 16:28

Hi there,

I am trying to print a score to pdf, and there is a volta with 8va. The dotted line of the volta prints, but the 8 is not appearing.

It works fine in a fresh Musescore 4, but I have opened a Musescore 3 file in 4 - and now can't open it in 3 because I have saved it in 4.

I've found a workaround, in exporting to musicxml from 4, then opening that in 3 - but not all the formatting transferred so it was a lot of extra work.

If you're able to fix 4 so that volta text appears when you open a file created in 3, that would be fantastic!



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Using MuseScore4, I placed text for Part A, Part B, and Part C above the staff above each part. Export to PDF did not place the Part B text label anywhere and placed the Part C label where the Part B label should have been. However, when I printed the score using Microsoft Print to PDF it printed correctly. I went back to MuseScore3 and was able to export to PDF correctly.
Revision e4d1ddf

Attachment Size
Mississippi Sawyer CIFM M4x.pdf 32.57 KB

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