Marimba Rolls seem randomized with every option I've tried

• Jan 19, 2023 - 04:34

I'm currently writing a piece for solo marimba and I couldn't find any way to make the marimba roll speak with a true 16th or 32nd-note pulse. Every tremolo option I've tried played back a randomized jumble of notes rather than a true marimba roll. The only way to accurately express a roll so far is to heavily subdivide the notes as they are and write down the chords split between 32nd notes or in some slower tempos, 64th notes. Just wanted to post about this and hopefully see this issue get fixed. I am using Musescore 4.0.1


the isolated sample only shows the delay and not what I'm talking about. I'll post the score I'm working on and the section that's showing these issues is on the second page. you can hear how the program gets confused and just starts randomizing notes in the roll.

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Acts of Desperation.mscz 34.83 KB

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