enable manually applied accidentals (like change f to e-sharp, or double sharps/flats) also in repitch-mode

• Jan 20, 2023 - 13:45

When I am entering notes in repitch-mode, the system does let me choose d-sharp instead of e-flat, but it does not allow me to correct an f to an e-sharp (and a b to a c flat and the like). I have to leave repitch mode and revisit all these. Same goes for double sharps/flats (and cautionary accidentals although I do appreciate that these may be different). This IS possible in normal note entry mode however, using the buttons for accidentals.
So the request is to also enable this in repitch mode, which would highly streamline the repitch process. Including cautionary accidentals in this would be a nice bonus, but I would already be very happy with the "normal" accidentals. thank you. Version: 4.0.1

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