Playback of all instruments when selecting a starting measure.

• Jan 20, 2023 - 18:09

I don't know about anybody else, but the change to the playback controls seem backwards and really slow me down.

In that past, I could select a measure, hit the space bar, and everything would play. Now, it plays only the part that's selected and in order to play all parts, the instructions say to select one note of any part. To me, that seems backwards since the measure is a larger clickable area than a notehead, meaning it can be selected faster and more accurately.

I do appreciate the feature to single out a part, but I wish there was a toggle setting to adjust how it behaves, since selecting an individual note seems more appropriate to play an individual part. Does anybody know of a hidden setting that could do this?


Do what has always been possible. Select a note where you want to start. Hit play and the score playback starts from there.
As it is, if I want to hear the the first and second violins (or add the violas and cellos) I just do a range select of the measure I want to start at and hit play.
Or I can listen to just the trumpet part.
All without the extra step of having to open the mixer.

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