Struggling to add the second staff - help would be greatly appreciated

• Feb 8, 2023 - 06:05

hi all,

I have been trying to convert this piece to have a TAB section available. I followed all the steps on my previous post and then got stuck at adding the second staff. It just won't let me, any help with converting this file to a version that is tabbed for guitar would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!

I managed to find the linked staff, but the i couldn't see the notation anymore... any advice? Very new to this.


I am not sure if I understood you correctly. But if:
Add a guitar in the instrument setup (press 'i') and add a linked staff there and set it to tablature mode.
Then copy your existing voice to the guitar's treble clef. You may need to set the notes an octave lower (select all measures of this treble clef and press Ctrl + Arrow down).

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