Downprall trill on an Acoustic Snare plays a Side Stick Note at the start.

• Feb 16, 2023 - 13:26

In my opinion when using Musesounds the downprall trill sounds the best for short trills that aren't isolated but follow/are followed by another note.
The prallprall sounds good aswell but is missing the initial hit.
I've attached trills_snare_timpani.mscz comparing different trills on a snare and timpani.

The problem is that when using the downprall line on a snare the initial hit is played as a Side Stick pitch and not as the standard snare sound.

Since I haven't used Musescore for that long I don't know if there is an alternative that sounds similar to the downprall or if this is an issue with other instruments aswell.
I'd love to get some feedback before I submit this as an issue, thanks.

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