Evolution - crash upon paste
Evolution crashes when I try to paste from one file to another.
Explanation: A part got detached as a separate file from its source score file during a save-as operation. I thought my save-as was of the entire duet score, not just one of its parts, so I continued working on this new save-as file, thinking I'd overwrite its source when I had access to its drive again. Once I knew that the save-as had only the one part, I tried to copy and paste my work back onto the corresponding part in the source file. But every time I try to paste, Evolution crashes.
I'm trying to avoid recreating my edits in the source file. Any ideas? Is the full score in the "save-as" file but only showing me the part? I don't see the other part listed under Parts or Instruments, so I'm assuming this is well and truly detached from its source.
Here is the information on version, etc.
OS: macOS 13.3, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: ae9b18d
That is a version from a not-yet merged PR (https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/pull/747), does it happen with artifacts from the 3.x branch (like last night's build at https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/actions/runs/12664045947) too?
In reply to That is a version from a not… by Jojo-Schmitz
I don't understand your question. I think my original note has what version I'm using. I don't have the older versions. Is there another way to rejoin that detached part to its source other than copy/paste? I found that if I began the paste after the multirest with both files, there was no crash. But the fine-grained formatting (adjustments to lines, text placement, etc.) all got undone after the paste.
In reply to I don't understand your… by RickyChitarrone
The revision you mentions is from the PR I mentioned, not from the 3.x branch
Use the newer version from tonight, as mentioned in my post (i has the sound fixex merged) or the oone from that sound fix PR
In reply to The revision you mentions is… by Jojo-Schmitz
Es tut mir Leid, aber ich weiß nicht entweder was PR noch "branch" (in diesem Fall) bedeutet.
In reply to Es tut mir Leid, aber ich… by RickyChitarrone
PR, Pull Request, a separate branch, here in case of the macOS warnings fix https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/pull/747 and the branch 3.x-mac-compiler-warnings and its artifacts vs. a build of the 3.x branch, like the latest nightly build, here (for macOS) the artifact from https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/actions/runs/12664045947, https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/actions/runs/12664045947/arti…
Please test with that
In reply to PR, Pull Request, a separate… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks. I'll give it a try and tell you how it goes!
In reply to Thanks. I'll give it a try… by RickyChitarrone
Hi Jojo. I installed MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 929b192 and ran the experiment, and the results were the same. If I pasted the music from the top, which opens with a 2-bar multirest, MS Evolution crashes. If I paste beginning with the first bar with music, the program doesn't crash, but all the formatting within measures goes away, for instance placement of text, color assignments, et al.
Did I install the right software?
I've included two screenshots. One is the music as formatted in the detached part, and the other in as it appeared after pasting that formatted music back into the score I'd like to be working from. What's odd about this is that I changed very little where in-measure formatting is concerned. For instance, slurs that I straightened to accommodate lute notation, for instance, numbers that were set to default to a custom color against a white field. Even the spacing was unchanged for the most part.
What do you make of this?
In reply to Hi Jojo. I installed… by RickyChitarrone
Here is an image of what the same page looked like before I pasted the edited data over it.
In reply to Here is an image of what the… by RickyChitarrone
Honestly, and I think, I'm even sure (!), that Jojo will ask you the same thing: you should attach the .mscz files, and tell us exactly what you're copying (where, what measures) and for pasting it where exactly.
Be as precise (i.e. step by step) and factual (no need for comments, unless they add some clues) as possible in your description.
To understand what's going on (and fix the issue later), we need to be able to reproduce the crash. With images, this is strictly impossible.
In reply to Here is an image of what the… by RickyChitarrone
Challenge accepted, Mons. Cádiz! The file with the filename "Secondo" is what was detached from the source file, the first one listed below. I'd continued editing the detached part before I realized it no longer had the rest of the score with it.
The operation that brought on the crashes is when I highlight and copy all the bars of the Secondo part and then try to paste it over the same part in the score. This build (and the earlier iteration I was using when I first noticed this behavior) will allow me to paste the tablature that I'd been editing in the detached part into the source score without crashing if I copy from m.3, which follows 2 bars of rest, into the corresponding line of the source score. But then the formatting is messed up, per the illustrations above.
Finally, I've attached the crash report in case it's useful. I'm hope that I'm giving you everything you need up front, because I'm in the middle of a big repertoire learning period that's mainly taking up my attention.
Thanks for taking an interest in solving this. Danke/merci.
In reply to Challenge accepted, Mons… by RickyChitarrone
Found a possible fix (well, more like band aid)
See https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/pull/760
In reply to Challenge accepted, Mons… by RickyChitarrone
BTW: These scores don't load in Mu4 at all! Instead it goes into an endless loop
In reply to Hi Jojo. I installed… by RickyChitarrone
I installed MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 929b192
Yes, that a nightly build
Good to know that the PR fixong all the macOS compiler warnings (not yet merged) was not the culprit.
I'll look into it.
In reply to Yes, that a nightly build by Jojo-Schmitz
Crash confirmed... (IOW: I can reproduce)
In reply to Yes, that a nightly build by Jojo-Schmitz
Culprit seems the multimeasure rest, disabling that in 'secundo' allows pasting
Just copying that mmrest and pasting cause the crash
In reply to Yes, that a nightly build by Jojo-Schmitz
And it is a regression, 3.6.2 doesn't crash on this (but does something stange with the TAB clef)
In reply to And it is a regression, 3.6… by Jojo-Schmitz
These status reports are just information, nothing I should be testing out yet, correct?
In reply to These status reports are… by RickyChitarrone
The artifact from that PR is ready for testing