Microtonal Playback Support in MuseSounds

• Feb 16, 2023 - 21:42

Hi! I know people have been asking about this and I'm sure you all are tired of hearing it asked, but I was wondering if there are plans in the foreseeable future to making functional the "tuning" playback adjustments? (Since right now changing the tuning in the playback menu doesn't do anything). What would be really cool is if the microtonal accidentals actually resulted in a tuning change of a note just like a regular accidental would.


Yes it has been mentioned in the discussions on GitHub that microtonal support for Muse Sounds is planned for the near future. Apparently it is already supported within Muse Sounds, it just needs to get hooked into MuseScore the way it already is for soundfonts like MS Basic.

Automatic support for microtonal accidentals is another matter. It's a bit more complex because there can be different tunings that might make sense. Someday probably there will be options for this, but meanwhile, note the various plugins that already exist for this.

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