About playing arpeggio sounds

• Feb 25, 2023 - 11:48

We can add arpeggios crossing two staves.(Figure 1)
The actual sound is then played, for example, as follows (Fig. 2).
But here's what MuseScore seems to play (if not exactly). (Figure 3)
it is same we have a chord consisting of more than one voice. (Figure 4, 5, 6)
(Figure 5 : Common ways to play   Figure 6 : Muse Score playing)

There is no problem with the notation of the score as it is now.
But I hope it will be modified to play like Figure 2 or Figure 5.

Attachment Size
Picture 1.PNG 1.69 KB
Picture 2.PNG 4.98 KB
Picture 3.PNG 4.11 KB
Picture 4.PNG 1.17 KB
Picture 5.PNG 4.43 KB
Picture 6.PNG 4.2 KB

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