Return the MS3 Synth to MS4

• Feb 27, 2023 - 17:55

Rant warning - I can't believe just how removing the synth feature from MS4 and making users into sound frequency engineers, or whatever, just to change the tuning of a piece of music from 440 hz to whatever, is making MS easier. Getting users to work in cent scale without publishing how to use it, or making it easy, (easy, like MS3 synth tuning easy) is imo frankly [daft].
I have been a ms user since version 0.93, and removing the synth function, with the means to tune in hz function, is truly a retrograde step.

I shall be returning to MS3 until this is FIXED

Please return the synth, with hz tuning!



To be clear, the synth has not been removed; if it had been,m you wouldn't be able to hear any sound. The synth is still there there - rewritten, plus a whole new one in fact. But it's true that currently for now, the new synth doesn't support a global tuning option. That will probably come back in a future update. meanwhile, you can adjust the tuning using the Properties panel, just Ctrl+A to select all, then Playback, then you can tune in cents. Not sure what you mean about publishing how to use it - cents are a universally agreed upon unit of tuning, a 100th of a step. but again, in a future update, no doubt a global tuning adjustment using Hz will return. most people would never need such a thing, but it's obviously useful for certain cases, and for those people who do need it, obviously sticking with MU3 a while longer can make sense.

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