Playing non-visible instruments/parts - please restore musescore 3 behaviour

• Mar 9, 2023 - 09:14

I use Musescore to generate practicevideos for the different voices of our choir. To do that, I use the normal choir score e.g. Sopranos/Altos stave and Tenor/Bases stave and create separate staves for each voice.

All staves show up in the mixer, so I can mix sound so that one voice is in foreground and the other voices are in the background. Now, for playback I want the Soprano/Altos stave and Tenor/Base stave to be visible and the others invisible. This used to work in Musescore 3, but in Musescore 4 only instruments/staves that are visible are being played.

IMHO this is a very unneccesary change, the Musescore 3 behaviour where soundmuting is done in the mixer and viewing is independently switched in instrumentview is far better.


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