MS4.0.2 reported problem

• Mar 13, 2023 - 15:43

I just installed new version 4.0.2 and it has some better reporting og problems. Opening an old score, updated to this version earlier said:

Puutteellinen tahti: Partituurin stemma: Violin I, tahti 492, viivasto 1. Löytyi: 0/1. Odotettu: 2/4.
Puutteellinen tahti: Partituurin stemma: Violin I, tahti 493, viivasto 1. Löytyi: 0/1. Odotettu: 2/4.

Translating it would be like "Incomplete bar: Parts: Violin I, bar 492 ? 1. Found 0/1. Expected 2/4. There was nothing obvious in the part that I recreated. Only strange thing is the first bar (upbeat?, auftakt) which is NOT counted in the bar numbering on the score but IS counted when selecting a bar, say 492.
If I remember correctly, there was no start-up procedure to create first bar when this score was created a year ago. Could it be this and what would be recommended? I checke with MS 3.6.2 and it has the same missmatch in numbering.
Unfortunately the biggest fix I expected is not done yet. I attach a test score for checking.

Attachment Size
Kameleontti_m7_8.mscz 641.82 KB


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