Assigning pizzicato and tremolo sound fonts for violin in MuseScore 4

• Mar 18, 2023 - 14:14

In MuseScore 3, when I have a staff playing a violin, the column for that violin on the mixer has an arrow button to the upper left of the solo and mute buttons. Clicking that arrow displays separate mixer columns for arco, pizzicato, and tremolo for that violin, and I can then assign different sounds to those that correspond to sf2 files in my SoundFonts folder. Then, when the score has the violin switch back and forth between arco and pizz, it uses what I assigned on those mixer columns.

How do I assign arco, pizz, and tremolo sound files for a given violin staff in MuseScore 4? I can't find anything about this on



I have always used the palettes to assign that kind of thing. Select the starting note. Select "pizz" in the TEXT palette. And so forth.

In reply to by bobjp

I'm not asking how to set certain notes on the staff to play pizz, although that is a handy shortcut that I will keep in mind. I am asking about how to assign which sf2 file gets played when I do have a staff switch to pizz. I explained how I did it with MuseScore 3 and I can't figure out how to do it in MuseScore 4.

In reply to by bobjp

I think that it's not possible at present in MS4.
MS3 Mixer:

MS4 Mixer:


And that's a complete deal-breaker for me in MS4, because I rely on the ability in MS3 to split Women's voices (Soprano + Alto) and Men's voices (Tenor + Bass) into separate channels for assignment of the playback sounds. Almost all the choral practice files which I produce are in Closed Stave i.e. two staves but four voices SATB:

So until this regression is sorted out in MS4 I will remain firmly and stubbornly with MS 3.6.2.

A bit of a work around for this that might work for some people is using the "change instrument" text and choosing whatever instrument you please. There'll then be an option in the mixer to change that instruments sound to another .sf2 or VST. You'll then have the section you want in pizz. as pizz. and the section you want as arco in arco. Make sure you make the change instrument text invisible.

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