Infinite note sustain
I updated to 4.02 and now when I enter notes with my midi keyboard they sustain indefinitely. It does this even on a new score. It does it during playback but not if I start it from the beginning.
Has anyone else experienced this problem or know how to fix it?
More info will help. macOS, Linux, Windows? How is the MIDI keyboard connected? You say you updated - does this mean you were using Mu3.6.2? If so, did your MIDI keyboard work OK in the older program? For this "sustain indefinitely" thing, if it happens during playback... what, are you pressing keys on the MIDI keyboard DURING playback? If so, why? Have you looked in Mu4.0.2 Preferences for MIDI keyboard settings? Can we see what those settings are (take a screen capture)?
In reply to More info will help. macOS,… by Are Jayem
Thank you for your response.
I was using 4.01 for windows and it was working fine. I do not press any keys during playback and the notes sustain issue continues if I turn off my midi keyboard. It is connected though USB. My Settings are the default ones, I havent changed them.
I have a similar issue with sustains. At the end of my score, several instruments play a multi-bar single note. However, one (of 3 in unison) keeps on going for an extra bar or so...even if I cancel out any of them.
I also am having trouble with infinitely sustaining notes. I'm using Musescore 4 (not sure which version, but recent as I just updated to 4 a couple of weeks ago) on a Mac, and trying to play through the website/My Scores. Here is one of the afflicted files
I have found that when the bug has happened to me, I have to delete the part and then make all the music again. I have tried to copy-paste it again but the bug comes back with it. You would have to screenshot all your progress and re-make it. Quite a setback, of course, but it has fixed it for me. Hope this helps!
one somewhat awkward workaround is adding another instrument like harmonica or synth, changing the voice to the desired instrument, and copy pasting the part.