Amateur needs another rescue

• Sep 27, 2014 - 22:02

Not sure how I did this- but somehow I wound up with a G clef on both top and bottom staves of the grand staff. The notation is correct for the intended F clef, but if I try to drag-and-drop the F clef, when that is done, the entire score is rewritten to the new clef.

I'm pretty sure the clefs were correct to begin with, but now, as stated, they are both G. Can I replace the G on the lower staff without anything else changing?

Richard Rodgers I'm not.


I'd put it differently: no, there could not possibly any way to change a clef "without anything else changing". *Something* will have to change. Either the *appearance* of the music will change, or the *sound* of it will change. There is no other possible way. This is not some arbitrary limitation of MuseScore. There is no way with pencil and paper, either - if you change clefs and leave notes on the same lines, the sound *will* change when people play the score. Or, if you want to keep the sound the same, you *will* need to change the appearance.

So, currently, your score apparently *looks* correct but *sounds* wrong, because of the wrong clef. What will happen in MuseScore when you change the clef is that the *sound* will remain the same - it will be just as wrong as it is now - but the *appearance* of the score will change to compensate for the change in clef. So you will simply have to transpose or whatever else it takes to then get the sound and appearance you want.

Either A] you muffed it and started off with two G clefs or B] your file has become corrupted.
I know that in my case when I have problems it is far more commonly Reason A.

(NB: I'm assuming you want a standard Bass Clef here and not Baritone or some other fancy clef).

1] First, create a copy of you score in case of further problems.
2] Now drag the Bass Clef down where you want it.
(All your notes will immediately leap in the air but don't worry.)
3] Make sure you're not it Note Entry mode (press [Esc] if in doubt).
4] Click on the first note on the stave you want to change.
5] Press (together) [Ctrl][Shift][End] then release those keys.
(You should have now highlighted the whole stave from beginning to end of piece).
6] Press [Ctrl] DownArrow twice (and release).
(This should take everything down two octaves in pitch).
7] Press UpArrow four times.
(This should move everything up four semi-tones to regain the correct position on the stave.)
8] Now you will likely need to check the Key Signature and go through the piece and correct any accidentals.
9] Save your work (under a different name, maybe, for extra security).

In case I am wrong and you suffered from Reason B, please post the offending MuseScore file.

My thanks to all who responded. On mulling it over, I probably did start with two G clefs. Looks like I may be able to correct my mistake with the sequence explained by underquark. I'll post back with the gory details of my efforts.

Used underquark's suggestions through #6 but could't make #7 work- the entire staff expanded, adding almost a page to a 3-page score. Wound up going thru the piece and raising each note separately, 3 or 4 semitones as needed. (Key is Am) Not a major job, score is fairly simple and is now correct. Thanks for the assistance.

BUT- another bedevilment has reared its ugly head- the playback tempo changes substantially by itself part way through the piece. I had originally set it using Display>Play Panel. How could I have caused this to happen? How can I fix it?

In reply to by [DELETED] 389906

What do you mean that the staff "expanded" at step 7? All it should have done was the same as raising each note individually - it just would have been a hundred times faster.

As for tempo, the play panel isn't the right way to set a tempo for a piece. Instead you use Tempo Text - an actual text instruction right on the score - same way you would tell a human musician what tempo you wanted. So you probably have one of those at the spot the tempo changes.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

My word choice wasn't exactly correct- at step 7, pressing the up arrow key caused the score to stretch out from 3 to almost 4 pages, with the measures stretched in length by a similar amount. The down arrow restored it. There were no changes to the system configurations. I backpedaled at that juncture and tried it twice more, with the same result. I didn't check to see whether any of the notes had changed pitch, as the new score configuration was disorienting and in any case, I didn't want to save it like that. But, since it is a beginner type arrangement (trying to learn piano on my own), it wasn't too much of a chore to adjust each note.

I set the playback tempo from both the Create>Text>Tempo command and the Play Panel, referring to p. 48 in the Handbook. Not sure why it was changing halfway thru (I'm sure I screwed up something), but I redid the tempo using both methods again this morning, and that problem is corrected.

Once again I have to say thanks for the assistance in improving my learning curve. And, once again, I'm personifying my username. This score (my 4th) is now correct and saved.

In reply to by [DELETED] 389906

Ah, when you press up arrow once, it raises everything a half step, which adds a whole bunch of accidentals, which require more room. That's probably all that was. Had you completed the operation and got to the point where all the pitches were correct, it would have not required more accidentals and thus not required more room. You just gave up too quickly :-)

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