Korg MicroKey2 midi input not working

• Mar 29, 2023 - 17:45

I have a Korg Microkey2 Air1 Midi input keyboard. I am using Windows 10 and have the latest version of Musescore 4 loaded. The preferences I/0 shows it; the W10 control panel shows it is enabled and working. BUT - it won't input. I have reloaded Musescore, reloaded the Korg drivers, checked the preferences and then rebooted the PC so that they should take effect. I've tried telling MS that it was running under an earlier version of the OS - but it still won't input - althouhgh it had been working properly last week. What is happening?


"...had been working properly last week"? Is this with Mu4.0.x version? I don't use MIDI input, but I'll ask: could a mis-match of current MIDI channel be causing MuSc to not respond to your keyboard?

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