[MuseScore 4] How to edit text style on text lines

• Apr 2, 2023 - 17:10

Hello all!

I've been trying to change some text styling on text lines and I've been struggling to find the option. For example, as in the attached file, I want to prefix a crescendo hairpin with text that is not in italics, but I cannot find a way to do so. I would expect such functionality to be in the "Text" section of the "Properties" panel, but as far as I can tell it is not, and a cursory look through the Format->Style menu yields no results either (and this would be less than optimal, I would want to be able to make changes on individual lines). If memory serves, this used to be a feature in MuseScore 3, so I was wondering where the option might be (or if the option exists at all) in MuseScore 4.

Attachment Size
Example.mscz 17.65 KB


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