Cannot Login to App

• Apr 6, 2023 - 07:10

I can login to my desktop and browser account, but my iphone app keeps stating "Invalid login or password".


Login to musescore.COM? musescore.ORG? If the desktop/browser can login to BOTH, how about the iPhone? BOTH websites have a problem, or just one?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

This problem is still occurring as of 08/24…I have the same issue as above. I’m able to login to the browser website, but the app isn’t allowing me to login. I may need a refund as I really need to rely on the service. It’s great when it works, but it’s not cool, showing up to a gig and all the sudden the source of your sheet music/etc is missing and unreachable. One needs to trust the service they’ve invested in, you dig?

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