Pedal markings, need help

• Apr 8, 2023 - 22:53

I am writing out my piano music on Musescore and I find that the system of putting pedal markings is incredibly clumsy. If I have a bass note ringing out for a full bar but have two different chords with the right hand in the same bar, naturally I want to mark pedal for the first chord, then add release and a new pedal mark for the second chord. Musescore simply does not understand that, as it assumes that the pedal has to go for the full lenght of the bass note. The workaround is to create a second voice (green) and fill the bar with silences that the pedal marks can anchor to, and then render these silences invisible by pressing V. However, it is very difficult to fine-tune the pedal marks and drag the pedal up sign (*) to the exact place I want . Often the little red anchor lines start to jump around like crazy and then the whole pedal mark jumps to some completely unrelated place. I tried to put the correct pedal marks under the G clef pentagram and then drag them down under the F clef pentagram, but found out that the two pentagrams start to separate from each other, which is completely unacceptable. I understand that the anchor lines are there so that the software can do an accurate playback, but I don´t need to play back the music. Is there any way of disabling the anchor points or override them so I can put the pedal marks as I want them and not as the software wants?


The ability to have lines start and end on arbitrary beat positions is currently being worked on for a future update. Meanwhile, the invisible rest trick is indeed the way to do. Not sure what you mean about fine tuning or dragging, though - pedal positioning is meant to completely correct automatically with no manual adjustment necessary. So as mentioned, if you have some specific case where things aren't working as expected, please attach the score and give precise steps to reproduce the problem, so we can understand and assist better. It is possible to override the normal automatic/correct layout - like yif you are creating educational worksheets showing "right" and "wrong" notation. or if you are designing your own experimental notation. Or a few rare corer cases where the defaults might not be correct. So once we see your example, we can help with those too if applicable.

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