Musescore 4 sounds inconsistent

• Apr 12, 2023 - 02:34

I installed Ms4 a few months ago and I wrote several scores, but then several weeks later when I reopened them they sounded quite different, sort of robotic. This sound change persisted when I tried to create new scores. Last week I gave it another shot and new scores were back to the normal very nice sound, but the older ones stayed robotic. Unfortunately it has happened again; my music which sounded perfect before now sounds like it is being played by a computer (it is but you know what I mean). Any idea what's wrong?

EDIT: I have attached my score, and here is the link to what it sounded like before :…. I have no clue as to how to reproduce this problem. Nothing was changed as far as I'm aware between there being no problem and there being problem.

Attachment Size
Aot score #8.mscz 52.63 KB


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