Musecore 4 - Managing Fonts

• Apr 14, 2023 - 18:20

Helle there,
I want to create a "custom design" for my charts.
I've understand there are three main Font settings :
1) Musical Symbol (with 8 pre-installed Fonts from Leland to Finale Broadway)
2) Musical Text (also with 8 same name Text Fonts)
3) Texte Font (in Style -> Text Style, can be cutomized for all different kind of text.

Few Question :
a) is there an exhaustive list of what is managed by Musical Symbol Font (rest, alteration, ... and ??)
b) same for Musial text (I understand it's Coda, Segno, Ottawa, dynamic glyphs, ... and ?')

As it seems not possible (or at least out of my reach!) to work with other Musical Fonts then the 8 pre-installed ones, I want to find a Text Font that will produce a cool match but that will also be specific. That will include Chord Symbols. If I choose any Text font from my operating system (I work on Mac), some symbols will not be display correctly. It might also be related to my personal way of writing chords.
Example : I want to write a C minor ike that : Cm With the font I'm currently using it displays : C<
c) is there a chart that displays all characters related to chord symbols (and alteration...) in order for me to modify the assignments in my font ?

d) I think that I've read in the forums that it is unfortunately not possible in Style -> Text Style to change the font of all the text fields at once, correct ?

Thanks a lot for a feedback !

BBM 74 music school in Switzerland

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