Why won't the PDF Scan lyrics

• Apr 25, 2023 - 18:03

When I upload a PDF to be processed . . . it does NOT include the lyrics. How do I make that happen


Attachment Size
SHALOM final again.pdf 1.44 MB


Facetious comment: perhaps the software hesitates, because the music and presumably the lyrics too are still under copyright?
See the foot of the PDF page: ©2009 Ken Medema Music.

On a more practical level, it all depends on which optical music recognition (OMR) system you are using. I use a venerable but efficient commercial OMR system, which usually captures 95%+ of the notes but only about 85% of the lyrics.

In reply to by DaveVM

Not for me to decide, as I have only used two commercial systems (and the Audiveris free software). You can read the history of OMR on Wikipedia:

And then you can research the listed offerings from the Wikipedia page, for both free and commercial OMR systems. I have heard good reports about PDFtoMusic Pro, PhotoScore, Playscore 2 (mobile), ScanScore, SharpEye and SmartScore. But I am not up-to-date about newer systems which claim to be "AI-based" or to use "deep learning".

Some commercial OMR systems offer a trial version where you can see the OMR result but not save it as a MusicXML file.

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