How to retrieve unsaved file.
I just spent all day writing a symphony score, and when I got to a stopping point I closed out of the tab and it prompted me with the save and don’t save options. I thought I hit save, but it just closed. I opened muse score back up, and it was gone. I went to file manager and it was gone. Please help me recover this score!
Both MU3 and MU4 have a backup folder in Scores. It's hidden, so you'll need to lookup how to view hidden folders in your OS. Also MU3 has a auto save folder. You"ll need to check the manual for the location.
In reply to Both MU3 and MU4 have a… by bobjp
it wasn't there, but thanks. I tried to rewrite it and it turned out ok
In reply to Both MU3 and MU4 have a… by bobjp
If the file has never been saved, there is no backup in the backup folder but a new_project.mscz file.
in linux: ~/.local/share/MuseScore4/new_project.mscz