Adding custom fretboard diagram to palette should not copy offsets

• Apr 28, 2023 - 00:34

If I drag a fretboard diagram to my score and have to move it slightly (perhaps to avoid some text on the score), customize it, and then use Ctrl+Shift+Drag to create a new palette entry for my custom diagram, it appears offset in the palette and, when used to add to the score in other places, will always use those offsets even if not required.

It seems to me the offsets for an instance of a fretboard diagram are pretty specific to that instance and are unlikely to be needed if that particular diagram is added elsewhere.

In no event, however, should those offsets be affecting the display of the fretboard diagram in the palette itself!!

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2023-04-27 163057.png 20.43 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Well, I'm speaking specifically of fretboard diagrams, but I take your point and it's easy enough to drag the element to where I want it when placed.

But, under no circumstances should an X or Y offset on the element be used to display said element in the palette when dragged in as a custom palette entry (viz my OP screenshot). This simply prevents the element from being viewed properly in the palette.

In reply to by thomaswb

I'll note, too, that if I change the offsets (to negative values) in the palette entry properties so that the fretboard diagram looks properly centered in the palette display, then when that item is added to a note in the score it now has those negative offsets.

So, that is kind of as expected -- if I enter item offsets for the palette entry those are given to the item when added to the score.

What I feel is an outright bug is that when an item with offsets is added to the palette, the custom entry displays offsets of 0, but shifts the display in the palette itself. Offsets should never apply to the display in the palette and if there are actual offsets, they should have been present in the properties dialog.

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