Alt+shift+B dialog says "insert" bar instead of "add" bar

• Apr 29, 2023 - 04:41

Hit the alt+shift+B hotkey in a score and a dialog pops up in which there is an edit field that the user can use to specify the number of bars to be added.

When using the JAWS screen reader, the dialog that pops up says "number of measures to insert".

thus, if I am at measure 10, beat 1 I would expect that inserting one measure would move measure 10 to the right (i.e., make it bar 11) and insert a measure before the original bar 10. Instead, measure 10 stays where it is and a new blank measure is "added" (rather than inserted) at the measure 11 position, after measure 10.

Perhaps the text in that dialog that pops up can be fixed to reflect what really happens.




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