Help!!! How to find an autosaved score musescore 4...

• May 1, 2023 - 03:34

So I was working on an orchestral score, my autosave is set to save every 3 minutes, and I was writing in a part, and the notes in that stave got deleted and replaced with the note d spamming over and over, which I couldn't cmd z to undo this for some reason. This isn't the main problem, as there is an issue with my mac that causes the keypad letter d to spam, which unfortunately translates to the note d. So after this spammed note ruined one of my staves, I decided to close the score as I new there would be an autosaved version of my previous edits before the spamming. So, how do I access this autosaved score, because when I open the score, it only has my edit from the previous day, when I hardly wrote anything.

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