Entering an alternate note for just one verse

• May 1, 2023 - 07:49

I'm working in MuseScore 3.6.2 on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine.

I have a score with an eighth note rest at the beginning of the first measure, and I want to change that rest to an actual musical note for just the third verse of the song. I'm not worrying about whether MuseScore can play it properly; I just want to have both the rest and the note show up on the score, preferably with braces around the note.

I tried putting the note in second voice, and it showed up just fine, but so did a bunch of extraneous rests to fill out the remainder of the measure. Also, I couldn't find a way to add the brackets.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to do this?


You wrote:
I just want to have both the rest and the note show up on the score, preferably with braces around the note.

Another possibility:
Smaller note(s) can be used.

I finally figured it out.

First you add the note in voice 2.
Next you click on each extraneous rest and manually delete it.
Finally, you select Add, select Text, and select Subtitle, which will produce text that's a good size for the brackets. Then you enter the brackets with enough spaces between them to leave room for the note - three spaces seems to be about right. And you move the brackets so that they're bracketing the note. If you already have a subtitle I suspect you'd have to delete it, take care of the brackets, and then re-enter the subtitle.

The final result is exactly what I was looking for.

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