Connecting Beams of Four 8th Notes Across Two Staves in a 3/4 Time Signature in MuseScore

• May 5, 2023 - 08:15

Hello MuseScore community,

I am attempting to recreate a specific passage from an original sheet music in MuseScore, but I'm having trouble connecting the beams of four 8th notes (quavers) that span across the bass clef and treble clef staves in a 3/4 time signature. In the original sheet music (please see the attached image), these four 8th notes are connected as a single group, yet I cannot seem to achieve the same effect in MuseScore.

When I input these notes in MuseScore, they automatically connect in pairs, forming two separate groups of two 8th notes each. I would like to connect the beams of all four 8th notes as they appear in the original sheet music, so that they form a single group.

Could someone please guide me through a step-by-step process to achieve this effect in MuseScore 4? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!


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