How to keep scores on computer and cloud in sync?

• May 14, 2023 - 18:19

I am using MuseScore 4 and find saving and handling score files became somehow worse or at least confusing for me.

Up to MuseScore 3 I could work on a file on my computer and always save it also to the cloud. I could work on the same file but keep it up to date either on the computer and in the cloud by just saving it to both places.

If I now create a score in MuseScore 4 and want to save it for the first time, I have to decide to save it to the computer or to the cloud. But I see no way how to have both with the same file version. I can create a copy and save it to the other storage (PC/cloud) but then I have two independent versions of my score and no way to keep them both in sync.

If I don't miss something here, this is a real disadvantage of MuseScore 4 file handling compared to the previous versions.

My workflow example:
1. I create a score and save it to the computer
2. I want to have an online version as well and save a copy of the score to the cloud. From now on I see two different files in my MuseScore home tab in the scores overview!
3. I go on working on my score (in the cloud version)
4. Now I want to update my changes also to the computer file... What do I do?
What's even worse: If I want to create a copy of the current cloud version and replace my computer version it is not possible because I now have a folder for every score instead of a single file and I cannot select the folder to replace the score. (working on linux currently)

Does anybody have a solution or a good workflow how to keep 1 score always up to date on computer and cloud at the same time?



for me - i keep all my compositions on OneDrive and not the Musescore cloud (i only have one there). all my computers are sync'd the the OneDrive "Documents/Musescore4/scores".

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