Many problems to create a String Quartet: dynamics (general volume) fails

• May 20, 2023 - 03:31

I've write many topics about this problem.
I trying to create String Quartet, and:
1) Violin2, very weak comparing to Violin1. When I put a melody line for Violin2, that sound very soft and dont fix it with change dynamics
2) The Viola does not have a good handling of dynamics either. It is necessary to turn the volume up from F10 for each new score. However, even so, it does not reach the expected levels using Mf, F, FF or FFF, even.
3) The Cello has had problems when I go from Pizz to Arco. In some cases it maintains the sound of Pizz or combines it with that of Arco.
Likewise, its volume is too weak and it is mandatory to raise it in F10 for each new score.

All this is cumbersome, problematic and exhausting.

Attachment Size
problema pizzicaro Cello.mscz 37.46 KB
Viola Sola muy débil.mscz 17.87 KB


Violin 2 does not mean 2nd violin. It is just a different sound. You can use violin 1 for both parts. Or violin 2 for both. Consider setting up a template for string quartet that has volumes the way you want.

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