Corrupted File Cannot Open

• Jun 2, 2023 - 09:35

I am writing to report a problem with my musx/musz file (attached here). I recently downloaded a file from Musescore for rearrangement. While I noticed some corruption within the original file, I could still open it with Musescore 3 (although it clashed sometimes). However, after I updated the software ( musescore 4), the file could not be opened after the system asked me to save the file as a musz file.

I followed the instruction here ( to extract a musx file again and open it in Musescore 3. The new musx could not be opened either.

I would like to know if the problem could be fixed And how to prevent this from happening again.

Thank you very much for your help!

Attachment Size
A_Mario_Medley.mscz 433.68 KB


The score is corrupt,

Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 18, staff 2. Found: 30/24. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 78, staff 2. Found: 42/24. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Marimba, measure 18, staff 2. Found: 12/8. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Marimba, measure 18, staff 4. Found: 13/12. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Marimba, measure 76, staff 2. Found: 17/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Marimba, measure 77, staff 2. Found: 18/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Marimba, measure 78, staff 2. Found: 15/8. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Marimba, measure 78, staff 4. Found: 18/12. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Marimba, measure 85, staff 2. Found: 17/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Marimba, measure 86, staff 2. Found: 18/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Marimba, measure 86, staff 4. Found: 18/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Marimba, measure 244, staff 2. Found: 9/8. Expected: 4/4.

Ignoring the corruptions gets MuseScore into a loop unfortunately, Mu4 (including the latest development build) and Mu3, and finally crashes

In reply to by ycwongsunny

I noticed that the mscz also contains all your excerpts as individual files.

One idea could be:
Create a new empty score with your instruments. Extract from the mscz file the excerpts.
If this list is complete then open these excerpts one by one and copy them into your new score.
I tried this in MuS 3.6.2. but unfortunately you used a lot of instrument changes and these are not copied as well. So a lot of rework would be needed (in 3.6.2), but in principle it works. You don't have to rewrite everything, at least not all the work is lost.
Maybe copying the instrument changes will work better in MuS 4 and you've less rework.

Don't copy the Marimba excerpt. This file has a problem with tuplets in several measures.

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