Portamento bug (graphic)

• Jun 7, 2023 - 14:17

I just had this situation trying to add portamento to a score, it shows a black box.
Shows the same thing when I reopen the score, haven't tried it on nightly.

I didin't post it on Github.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 9.06.40 AM.png 822.24 KB


In order for someone to understand and assist, we'd need you to attach your score and give precise steps to reproduce the problem.

I'm guessing you tried adding a being symbol and the style setting for that has been altered from it's default to something super thick. This was an issue for a few days a month or so ago with nightly builds but was fixed pretty quickly. I guess if your score was created in a nightly build originally that might do it.

In reply to by Shoichi

Yes, there was a bug in previous versions of MsueScore where the thickness of these symbols was recorded, and the bug was never discovered until 4.1 because there was no way to customize the value anyhow. That bug has since been fixed for 4.1, but it does that scores generated by recent nightlies won't open as expected in older versions. There are a number of other things that changed such that in general it won't be reaosnable to try to open 4.1 scores in 4.0 unfortunately. but luckily, there will also be no reason to even consider not updating from 4.0 to 4.1.

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