Recover Work function not available with other scores open

• Jun 12, 2023 - 07:30

Today I was trying to write an arrangement of a piece and so I had the original score that I got online open i one Musescore tab and my arrangement in the other. While I was working I forgot to save and so when it crashed I lost about 20 minutes of work, nothing unbearable but definitely a pain. I was expecting that I would be able to get it back open by reopening Musescore and choosing to recover my work but seeing as I had my other tab open it didn't offer me this and so I lost it. I was just wondering if there was any way to recover unsaved work if it crashed while another scorer is open?


You can open the autosave file manually, just go to the folder where you saved the file and turn on display of hidden files & folders. You'll find the autosave file there.

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