My Important score corrupted.

• Jun 12, 2023 - 09:52

I started working on my score and when I tried to save it it said that it is corrupt and there instructions on what os thr problem. I tried to save the score again to the cloud score folder but it didn't allow me to save it.
I will attach pictures. please help


Please attach your score.
If MuS didn't allow to save try 'Save As' or 'Save a Copy' (whatever in MuS 4 is available).

In reply to by HildeK

I can't atatch the score because I can't share it online.

Did you see in the pictures that I attached after I saved it it still says that I need to do something with the flute. meaning that even after I did save it it still asks me if I want to open the score anyway.
it happen to me a acouple of times I need to redo what is did and then it was okay but now thr file is corrupt and I don't know why.

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