Repeats and jumps

• Jun 13, 2023 - 16:36

I need some help with repeats and jumps. In the attached mxl file there are few repeats and have coded them all except one repeat. Not sure how to go about it.
Notes in bars 59 to 76 are the same as in the notes in bars 23 to 50.
My question is how to create the music sheet without bars 59 to 76 instead using bars 23 to 50 and appropriate changes to the lyrics.

Thank you

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You wrote:
Notes in bars 59 to 76 are the same as in the notes in bars 23 to 50.

Please check your math...
Bars 59 to 76 are the same as in the notes in bars 23 to 40, not 23 to 50.
Bars 59 to 86 are the same as in the notes in bars 23 to 50.

So, assuming you wish to repeat using bars 23 to 50 (instead of notating bars 59 to 86) you need a D.S. at bar 58 with a segno symbol at bar 23.
Then if the song ends (at bar 86, which is now bar 50), make the D.S. a D.S. al Fine and place a Fine at bar 50. The lyrics from bars 59 to 86 can be moved to a second verse and copy/pasted into bars 23 to 50.
Bars 59 to 86 can be deleted.
Have a look at this:

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Many thanks for the information creating the file. I am very sorry for not giving the correct information. Yes it should have been 59 to 86 not 76.… needed Musescore 4. The version I had was ver 3. Now I have installed 4 and imported the above file. For some reason I am not getting the sound. So I played in after exporting to xml and then to abc notation. Something is not right. I will check and let you know.
Many thanks for your help.
With bets wishes

In reply to by Thiru

Here's your score - to be opened in MuseScore 3:

In this forum you should post the MuseScore file (mscz) rather than mxl. Converting back-and-forth among various formats often leads to compounded losses in score information. You now mention abc notation. This can further add to a situation where more problems are introduced and everyone is looking at different file formats/versions with no way to tell what's going on in your particular situation.

Had you initially attached the MuseScore 3 (mscz) file, I would have returned it as a MuseScore 3 file.
In any event, if you have not used MuseScore 4, please be careful with all your MuseScore 3 files. MuseScore 4 may have better playback, but many features from MuseScore 3 were not implemented yet:

In fact, now that you have MuseScore 4 installed, it will probably try to open my attachment above - in addition to any other mscz files. If you cannot open my attachment with MuseScore 3 because MuseScore 4 keeps trying to open all mscz files, I would suggest you uninstall MuseScore 4 and stick with MuseScore 3 for the time being. People in these forums report losing their files with MuseScore 4, especially if they don't take the precaution of backing up their MuseScore 3 files and keeping them separate from MuseScore 4 files. If you wish to keep MuseScore 4, you can have both on your computer, but you should set MuseScore 3 as the default program to open mscz files. Once a MS3 file is opened and saved with MS4, there is no simple way to go back to MS3 with that file. (That's why MS3 told you my first file attachment was made with a newer version and couldn't open it.)

In reply to by Thiru

In MuseScore you cannot move bars like in e.g. in a text processing software. It needs a bit more work:

  • Select bars 51 to 58 (previous numbering), copy or cut (Ctrl-C or Ctrl-X).
  • Select bar 15
  • Use Menu "Add / Bars / Insert bars" - enter the number of bars; here '8'. This will insert eight empty bars between 14 and 15.
  • Select the new bar 15 and paste (Ctrl-V).
  • now select the bars with the former number 51 to 58 again and remove them with Ctrl-Del.

Maybe you need to correct the start and end repeat barlines. Use the palette / Barlines. It's unclear if the new bars 15 to 30 should be repeated. If so, remove the start repeat barline in the new bar 23 and set a new one on bar 15.

So please give clear instructions on what to do and what the process should be then, and I will be happy to incorporate those changes and provide them to you.
After moving these bars it is unclear how should the sequence be done then?

Attached (MuS 3.6.2) you will find the changes described here, but without the previously mentioned D.S., coda, etc.. - because I don't know how :-). And I did not pay attention to the lyrics.
The new bars 15 to 29 are now in a repeated block.
Check and report which jumps are now still missing.

In reply to by Thiru

Making mistakes is a human privilege :-) It can happen and it's not bad at all.

Can you solve your problem now? Otherwise: if you want to be helped further, give an exact description of how the sequences should run.
Best you take my file as starting point.

My personal interest: in which language are the lyrics written?

In reply to by Jm6stringer

> If you cannot open my attachment with MuseScore 3 because MuseScore 4 keeps trying to open all mscz files, I would suggest you uninstall MuseScore 4 and stick with MuseScore 3 for the time being.

There is a simple way to do that without uninstalling MuS 4:
Open MuS 3, open the file manager of your OS and simply drag from there to the MuseScore window.
Or, on Windows, use the right mouse button and "Open with..." in the file manager.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thank you so much Jm6stringer and HildeK.
Please accept my apologies. In Jm6stringer's version second line from 23 to 50 should be played at the end after bar 58…
i.e after playing from 1 to 22 play first line of 23 to 50 then 51 to 58 (51 to 58 play twice - as it is now) then play second line from 23 to 50.
Again sorry and thanks for your time.

In reply to by Thiru

You wrote:
In Jm6stringer's version second line from 23 to 50 should be played at the end after bar 58.

Your intention is that the second verse (i.e., the lyrics line) should be played at the end after bar 58, yes?
Does not that already happen for you?

You wrote:
i.e after playing from 1 to 22 play first line of 23 to 50 then 51 to 58 (51 to 58 play twice - as it is now) then play second line from 23 to 50.

Okay, so you want the song to end at bar 50, yes? That's what happens for me.

Here's the full roadmap of what I hear with MuseScore 3:
Bars 1- 4 play.
Bars 5-14 play, then repeat.
Bars 15-22 play, then repeat.
Bars 23-50 play the first verse
Bars 51-58 play, then repeat
Bars 23-50 play the second verse, as the 'D.S. al Fine' jumps to bar 23 then the 'Fine' ends at bar 50.

Is this what you observe?

However, if you want the song to end at bar 58 (and not bar 50), delete the 'Fine' and change the' D.S. al Fine' to 'D.S.' -- and if you also want 51-58 to play twice at the end click the 'D.S.' and check 'Play repeats' in the Inspector.

There must me an error in your request:
> Notes in bars 59 to 76 are the same as in the notes in bars 23 to 50.

The bars 59 to 76 are together only 18 bars, but the bars 23 to 50 are altogether 28 bars. So this does not match! So they cannot be identical.

Assuming that both sections are the same length, then the following works:

  • put "D.S. al Coda" in bar 58
  • put the segno sign in bar 23
  • put 'To Coda' in bar 50
  • put the coda sign in (original) bar 77
  • now delete the bars 59 to 76 (have a copy of the lyrics)

The different lyrics of bar 59 to 76 must be rewritten as second verse starting in bar 23.

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