Change instrument list on uploaded scores in description

• Jun 20, 2023 - 13:55

So I have uploaded a few arrangements recently (for the Four Seasons), and in the description of the piece someone would see if they found it online, it just says "String Ensemble" for the parts list. When I have uploaded other pieces in the past it would say (to use the Four Seasons as an example, "Solo Violin, 2 Violin, Viola, Cello, Contrabass, Harpsichord" instead. I feel this is easier to find, and gives much more information. In fact when I was looking for a version that had the original harpsichord part so I could edit it, I noticed pieces that had the part, but didn't explicitly say "harpsichord" in the description would not show up if I filtered so it only showed pieces with a harpsichord part. Is there a way to edit the description so it shows the list of instruments instead?

In the example image, I searched and filtered to only show scores with at least 5 parts and sort by upload date. In the first search I had it only show scores with a contrabass part, and my score is not present. When I search without any instrument filter, it does show up. This is what I mean about it difficult to find

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Sounds like you have a question about the score-sharing website You'd have to head over to that website for questions about how it works.

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