MuseScore 4 shortcuts issue

• Jun 21, 2023 - 01:51

Since updating to MuseScore 4, { and } haven't worked as the shortcuts for layout stretch. I tried putting this into the shortcuts menu manually, but it still doesn't work. I also tried entering new shortcuts to switch between voices ("use voice ,1, 2, etc.) and despite being properly set, the new shortcut wouldn't work. I was wondering if anyone has had similar issues or knows of any workarounds/future updates that could fix this. Thanks!


I've seen a couple of other reports about the stretch shortcuts not working on certain keyboards for whatever reason (different keyboards have different layouts, so occasional glitches are inevitable), but never cases where redefining them didn't work. Are you sure you are using the command correctly? It's not always the case that changing stretch would have an immediately visible effect. I've also not experienced any problem defining new shortcuts for other commands. Which key combinations did you try? Some might simply not be supported because they aren't communicated properly between your keyboard, your OS, and the Qt libraries used by MuseScore.

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