Voltas not playing correctly when score first opened

• Jun 24, 2023 - 13:57

On playback, after initial score opening, the prima volta (V1,2,4,) does not skip the 3rd volta verse and continue at measure 6 but plays straight through as though there is no volta present. More weirdly by deleting the 3rd volta, then undoing that action and playing again, the score plays as notated. I may be using voltas in the wrong way as I know they are usually placed next to a repeat barline and not in the middle of the score but it worked in MS3 and it works if I do the above action.
On checking for updates it says I have the latest MS version,
I am using Windows 11 home on a laptop.
PS I redacted most of the score to showcase the issue.

Attachment Size
Volta extract.mscz 77.43 KB


Is this wrong notation? Would a person reading this score know what was intended, as indeed playback for MS3 and doing my workaround in MS4 seems to affirm? Sorry, my music theory here is very novice!!
If it is acceptable notation then perhaps there is an issue with playback here.

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