The first measure of the piano is louder than the rest of the song.

• Jun 26, 2023 - 19:44

So I'm not sure if this is a computer problem, or my ears are playing tricks on me, or if this really is a problem, but the first measure of the piano of an arrangement I've been working on sounds just slightly louder than the rest of the song. I've removed the dynamic marking that was there before, but it still sounds louder. I don't think I've done anything else to the measure to cause it to be this way.
I'm attaching the song only to confirm or debunk that this is a computer-specific issue. If it is, then I can be on my merry way. But if it isn't, then any advice would be appreciated.
Of course, I'm also still very new to MuseScore, so maybe it's supposed to sound that way.

Attachment Size
TRUMPET.mscz 34.81 KB


Here is one way to check this.
C + P the first four measures of the piano part to the empty measures at the end of your score. Delete the bass clef notes (or don't copy them to begin with). delete all but the upper notes of the top line. Playback and see if you still think the first four note are louder.

You might expect the chords should be louder. But they are not. Playback of recorded sounds don't always mix the way we might expect.

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