Roman numerals (advanced)

• Jul 6, 2023 - 10:26

How do I do ii7b5 (with the b5 under the 7) please? I have musescore 4 on a MAC Book Air with the latest operating system.

John Oosthuizen


That's more of a chord symbol - in RNA, that is simply denoted with the half-diminished symbol (type "0" to get it). In RNA, stacked numerals are used to indicate inversions.

In reply to by joosthuizen

Yes, I get that normally chord symbols use letter names. What I'm saying is that RNA simply doesn't use the 7b5 notation normally. What you've presented here is a hybrid - some aspects of chord symbols, others of RNA. As a jazz musician myself, I do appreciate the purpose of the hybrid and use it myself as well. But it should look the way jazz musicians would expect, with the b5 inline with the 7 as it is with chord symbols and as is already the case if you enter this into RNA. Stacking the b5 below the 7 would be non-standard even within the world of these hybrid symbols and confusing to the jazz musicians this is intended for, since it's just not normally done that way.

Anyhow, no, there is no direct support for stacking the b5 below the 7 this, and I strongly recommend against trying to circumvent the default. But if you do have a special reason to need to do this (working for a publisher who insists on this format, perhaps), you could fake it by adding the 7 and/or "b5" as separate elements then moving them into position manually.

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