Give Option for Textstyles: vertical Placement relative to Notehead OR Staff

• Jul 6, 2023 - 10:52

It would be very useful to be able to set the vertical placement of text (anchored to noteheads) relative not only to the notehead but also to the staff.

E.g. guitar RH Fingering is mostly placed below or above the staff but in MS the placement is relative to the notehead and very difficult to set in a line below the staff.

RH-Fingering in a line below staff.PNG

Best practice would be to have an Option:
Vertical placement relative to
1. Notehead
2. Staff

for all textstyles.

At the moment only 1. is possible.


I'm not sure that's really standard, but anyhow, try the Align plugin (see Download menu above) to align fingerings or other elements. In principle, though, it would be simple enough to add another text style for fingering to produce this effect if enough people want that type of alignment.

You can also use staff text instead of fingering, but then you lose the easy method of typing in fingering.

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